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1 thecommodore  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 8:57:22am


2 Ace-o-aces  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 9:30:28am

re: #1 thecommodore


…and by “certified court expert” we mean “random guy on the internet”.

3 Skip Intro  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 9:35:50am

Birthers are now calling for an independent investigation into what they’re calling Fuddy’s “murder”, since the State of Hawaii is complicit in the fraud over Obama’s birth and can’t be trusted. Some are calling on Sheriff Joe to fly over there with his posse and evacuate other “witnesses” before Obama can have them killed, too.

And no, I’m not making a single word of this up.

4 ausador  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 9:48:10am

Free Republic’s “thoughts” on this…

“She released the false BC that Obama’s people had inserted into the records. There is no real Hawaiian BC for Obama.”

“Bodycount by Clinton has a new competitor. wow.”

“Obama had to call on the Clintons for help on this - they are the experts”

“Another Arkancide.”

“During the 2008 campaign, obama took time out to travel to Hawaii to visit his dying grandmother. Or was it for that purpose? She may have been the sole living person, aside from obama, to know the truth of his birth. Did she die naturally?”

5 b.d.  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 10:08:29am

Rest In Peace Loretta Fuddy.

Your memory will live on forever in the hearts of your loved ones and in the fevered recesses of the lunatic fringe’s brains.

6 BusyMonster  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 11:39:32am

re: #3 Skip Intro
Some are calling on Sheriff Joe to fly over there with his posse and evacuate other “witnesses” before Obama can have them killed, too.

It’s like right-wingers have their own city, state, and sheriff, they just don’t get to have their own Preznit.

Do these fucking morons not have anything better to do?

7 thecommodore  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 2:21:47pm

re: #6 BusyMonster

Some are calling on Sheriff Joe to fly over there with his posse and evacuate other “witnesses” before Obama can have them killed, too.

It’s like right-wingers have their own city, state, and sheriff, they just don’t get to have their own Preznit.

Do these fucking morons not have anything better to do?

Speaking of Sheriff Joe and his “Cold Case Posse,” you know what the “investigation” into the authenticity of Obama’s long form birth certificate resulted in?

An ebook you can get on Amazon for $8.99.

Said ebook is merely a work of self plagiarism by Jerome Corsi and others at or from World Nut Daily:

You mean this whole thing was a tax payer funded scam so Corsi, Mike Zullo, and the “court certified expert” could make some cash on the side???

8 Skip Intro  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 2:43:22pm

re: #6 BusyMonster

Some are calling on Sheriff Joe to fly over there with his posse and evacuate other “witnesses” before Obama can have them killed, too.

It’s like right-wingers have their own city, state, and sheriff, they just don’t get to have their own Preznit.

Do these fucking morons not have anything better to do?

The “patriots” have declared that “Constitutional Sheriffs” like Sheriff Joe are the highest legal authority in the land, and are free to conduct their investigations wherever they choose.

True Fact.

9 PeterWolf  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 5:58:59pm

Orly is such a scumbag.

Dear Mr. Yamamoto,
First, please allow me to express my deepest condolences upon untimely passing of your superior, Director of Health Loretta Fuddy, during yesterday’s airplane forced water landing. It must have been even more traumatic as reportedly Ms. Fuddy passed away holding your hand.
It was surely a traumatic experience and a tragedy and our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Due to such difficult circumstances I am simply asking a question and not filing a formal request for information.

10 Death Panel Truck  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 11:54:13pm

re: #8 Skip Intro

True Fact.

Redundancy alert. A fact is assumed to be true unless it is disproved.

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